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25 February 2016

ESU Primary Schools’ Public Speaking Workshop

This year we are once again joining forces with the English Speaking Union to host the fourth Primary Schools' Public Speaking Competition for children from local primary schools, which will take place on Wednesday 2nd March. This year we are delighted that Year 5 students from Baden Powell, Herbert Thompson, Howell’s, Kitchener, Lakeside, Marlborough, Radnor, Radyr and Whitchurch Primary Schools are taking part.

In order to prepare the children for the competition we welcomed ten students from each school to attend a public speaking workshop on Tuesday 23rd February, led by Mr Walters and Mrs Eckersley from our English department. The lively and engaging workshop enabled the children to find out about different roles in a public speaking team, develop confidence when talking to groups of people through a variety of tasks and games and to enjoy expressing opinions. During the workshop a group of Year 9 girls talked to the students about public speaking. All the children took an active role and were full of excellent ideas and energy.  At the end of the workshop every school was assigned a different topic to present at the competition next week.  We look forward to welcoming back three students from each school to compete.

Many thanks to all the staff and students who made the workshop such a success.

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