Welcome To Howell's School, Llandaff GDST

Where girls learn without limits

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The Principal's Welcome

At Howell’s School, Llandaff we believe that a girl’s success should be measured not by grades, but by her influence on the world. The willingness and ability to learn, to lead and to serve are what enable a life to be both well-lived and worthwhile. Our students and our staff see every day as an opportunity, as a chance to grow and a chance to learn. That journey as a life-long learner begins the moment a child starts at Howell’s. 

Sally Davis, Principal 

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    04 Jul 2024

    Journey through history: a memorable visit to the First World War battlefields


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    04 Jul 2024

    Celebration Tea: Thursday 4th July


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    02 Jul 2024

    Howell's Prep students experience a spectacular concert by the BBC National Orchestra of Wales
